Commercial Dog Food



Spencer's Plate Meals


The Meat They Use

◦ Sub-Grade "C" 3D (Diseased, Dead, Dying) cattle and fowl

◦ Discarded, expired meat from local supermarkets

◦ Euthanized animals

◦ Municipal roadkill

◦ By-products

The Meat We Use

◦ Top Grade “A” designed for human consumption

◦ Restaurant quality fresh chicken thighs

◦ Restaurant quality fresh ground beef

◦ Restaurant quality fresh ground turkey


Preservatives They Use

◦ Propylene Glycol

◦ Ethoxyquin

◦ Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)

◦ Tert-Butyl Hydroquinone (TBHQ)

◦ Propyl Gallate

◦ Sodium Nitrate

Preservatives We Use

◦ None!

Cook Method and Temperature

Their Cook Method

◦ Superheated at 600+ degrees at huge rendering factories in order to kill live parasites, harmful bacteria, viruses, and microbes, not to mention insects that infest rotting (including maggots which make up a large percentage of the meat's volume)

◦ Nutrient values are destroyed and therefore require re-saturation of vitamins and minerals with soluble and insoluble supplements

◦ Sulfur, sulfides, disulfides, tocopherols, albumen, and plasticizing agents are used to reduce rancidity

Our Cook Method

◦ Meat and vegetables are slow cooked at a loving, gentle 250° to preserve nutrient value

◦ No oils, salts, or garlic are added

◦ Nothing but fresh whole meats and freshly picked vegetables

Food Presentation

Their Food

◦ Dried, predigested, overly processed chunks of matter with nominal nutrional value after high-temp cooking

◦ Relies entirely on vitamin and mineral supplements that are minimally absorbable

◦ Sulfur, sulfides, disulfides, tocopherols, albumen, and plasticizing agents are used to reduce rancidity

Our Food

◦ All food is in whole form, enabling optimal digestive tract utilization and metabolic absorption

◦ Nutrient value is maximized through carefully balanced ingredients that remain fluid throughout the cooking process